When living and studying in the picturesque town of Greifswald, you can not get around the figure of Caspar David Friedrich. Nonetheless, you are forgiven in case you have been wondering what on earth a long-deceased painter has to do with GoPro cameras and bikes. The answer is quite simple. If you ride your bike in this spectacular landscape and capture those moments, the resulting pictures are very reminiscent of Friedrich's works. As my Instagram contains an immense number of images, I have selected the most sublime ones here. I have captured nearly all of them with GoPro Hero 5 black – mostly whilst riding cyclocross around dawn. Enjoy ;)
Kemnitzerhagen 22.10.2017
Ückeritz 23.08.2018
Greifswald Museumshafen 25.05.2018
Greifswald 07.11.2018
Katzow 26.05.2018
Ückeritz 8.10.2018
Elisenhain 09.11.2018
Neuenkirchen 18.11.2018
Dietrichshagen 04.11.2017
Kemnitzerhagen 23.05.2018
Wieck 11.01.2019
Mesekenhagen 11.09. 2018
Elisenhain 25.07.2017
Rapunzel's Castle 21.12.2018
Wrangelsburg 18.05.2018
Behind the scenes, Elisenhain 21.10.2017
Today Caspar would ride a bike. Don't you agree? ;)
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